Do Bratislavy prídu osobnosti
európskeho event marketingu!Druhý ročník medzinárodnej konferencie o event marketingu LIVE! Conference 2018
privíta svojich hostí 21. februára 2018 v Refinery Gallery v Bratislave

Salvatore Sagone 

ADC Group
As well as being a co-founder, Salvatore Sagone is president and editor in chief of Adc Group. The publishing company has created the Advexpress and e20express websites, NC and e20 magazines, The Notebooks of Communications and organises the NC Awards, NC Digital Awards, Programmatic Awards, and Bea World 
– The international Festival of events and Live Communication. Born in 1960, Sagone has been a professional journalist since 1991. He graduated in Literature and Philosophy and has worked in specialised communications publishing, media and advertising since 1987.

Kevin Jackson 

Experience is the Marketing
A long-standing disruptor and thought-leader, Kevin has been an influential player with some of the world’s most respected marketing services groups, including Interpublic, Grey, Saatchi, and then in the live space with Jack Morton and George P Johnson. Working with a vast range of brands, from Adidas to Zumba, and everything in between he has explored every discipline within the marketing mix. Although marketing ecosystems may have evolved over the last thirty years, Kevin’s singular focus has remained unchanged. In short, he makes business growth happen. Kevin’s passion has always been for harnessing the power of his clients and helping them to achieve their true growth potential. With a strong belief 
in the importance of driving engagement, participation and action, Kevin focuses on ensuring that every event involves a memorable and meaningful brand experience and total engagement. Kevin calls it the ‘lean forward moment’. As Kevin says, ‘Great communication used to be about what you said to people, now it’s what you DO for people. Involving them in the story is fundamental. ‘Making information accessible and engaging so everyone gets it, watching light bulbs go on all over the room is so exciting’ We all come to these events to drive growth for our various businesses, corporate growth comes from personal growth and making that happen is so rewarding for everyone involved. 

Björn Wigforss 

Vice President
Experience Marketing, Schneider Electric

Based in Paris, Björn recently joined Schneider Electric (www.schneider-electric.com) as Vice President, Experience Marketing. In his 22-year career, Björn has worked as a consultant, training manager and in various marketing positions at several different companies, such as EBI (European Business Institute), Ericsson, Nokia and Microsoft. Immediately before joining Schneider Electric, he served as the global head of Marketing and Communications for Tecnotree, a Finnish listed company. Björn is also a senior advisor to a major Central 
Eastern European live marketing 
agency, Creative Pro Group, and an Advisory Board Member of UNICEO. Björn’s true passion is Live Marketing and has been an active contributor to the industry through his engagements as advisory board member, Jury vice president and Jury member of BEA (www.beafestival.com). He has also been chairman and Jury member of Finland’s Evento Awards.  Björn has contributed to several books on the subject of events and live marketing. He has written dozens of articles and presented at multiple events across Europe.

Norbert Pýcha 

founder, managing director
Event Arena (CZ)
Norbert Pýcha has over 20 years of experience in Event Management and his professional career is almost exclusively linked to company called Event Arena that he has co-founded in 2000. The main focus of his work is managing company, HR management, supervision of actions and projects and
communication with clients. He has also established himself as a speaker where he performs and gives lectures about event management. In 2017 he co-founded the Czech Event Association, where he currently takes a chairman position.

Štefan Kozák

founder, managing director
Štefan Kozák obtained a degree in theatre & film production management at Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, Slovakia and has widen the scope of his studies by attending MBA course at Brno International Business School in Czech republic. In 2003 he founded a company focused on live & event marketing, CREATIVE PRO agency that has won various national and international awards in the field of live marketing so far (Zlatý Klinec 2013, 2014, 2016 / BRONZE, European Best Event Awards 2013, 2015 / 1ST PRIZE BEST TEAMBUILDING, Eventex Awards 2014, 2015, 2017 / 3RD PRIZE BEST TEAMBUILDING, 2ND PRIZE BEST CORPORATE EVENT, 1st prize  Best Launch Event and many other). Shortly after that he built diversified group of companies CREATIVE PRO group, with business present mainly on Slovak and Czech market, Hungary and Poland.  From 2008 till 2011 he was a co-founder with an active participation in an international company active in the field of design&production, called 30/70 Productions. Except for managing the group and its organisations he is in charge of business development, strategical acquisition of new business as well as specific  „live marketing“ projects in Slovakia, Czech republic, Hungary and Poland.  
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